Monday, November 7, 2005

The World According to Frosty

I've had a wild, dynamic week.

I nipped my storm of nightmares by analyzing them to death. The mathematician managed to separate himself from academia briefly, seeing that my autonomous world was experiencing some hijacking. Was I starting to come apart at the seams due to his absence as a friend suggested?

I am not too sure. I'm too busy having fun manifesting JNETSWORLD. I finally got that I'll be changing some things in the very near future in order to make room for some new fun stuff and get myself reconnected to my friends and colleagues.

I had a great time Saturday with my producers and the person whose work and organization I will be writing on. My head has been bouncing with ideas and visions how I see the documentary coming about and I am excited that I've been called on to just go and play... write .. write... write... dream ... dream... dream

Everyone is passionate about the subject and it feels like working with friends. The more people I meet, the more friends I make. I am present how genuineness, respect and passion creates possibility and autonomy. Being involved with different groups of people, I witness the degrees of success and failure generated due to the contributing dynamics of personality.

I met an interesting person last night.

Realizing my absolutely crazy schedule in which I juggle my life (without coffee.. and my most naughty stimulant that I broke down for was a couple of doughnuts)... driving down to San Diego to have lunch with my producers and then dashing to co-host a baby shower and then sitting through 4 hours of traffic to return to Los Angeles (arriving finally at 12:30am...)

I had the most rest all week waking up at 6:30am to pack up all my costumes and props for a rigorous dance rehearsal from 9am to 6pm... after which I went to teach 3 brothers in Bel Air..

My evening did not meet with getting cozy for very long.. It was my friend's birthday and A. (the girl across the hall) was gathering her pals at the House of Blues.

My roommate wanted to stop by for a quick hello. I relaxed at home for a couple of hours to play catch up with her and enjoy a glass of wine. She just got a gig being a radio talk show host. (Not bad for being in Los Angeles for only a week.) We're excited about what there is to learn about that industry... meanwile she's still looking for other gigs and making new friends... which is WHY we got all dolled up and made our way to The House of Blues and joined a birthday party for a brief hello.

And that is where I met Frosty while sipping a cranberry seltzer. He told me the history of all his injuries, showed me his hands (he's broken most of his fingers) and told me to my horror how he duck taped a broken ankle because he didn't want a cast... and appear "hurt"...

WHEW. he was a character... I guess I went for the strangest person in the lot. I asked him if all his colleagues did the same in order to keep up with the stunt industry. He wasn't sure. I know that people do stunt work for a couple of years and then drop out... and some... like my friend, the birthday girl... has made a living of it.

How much of Frosty rings true in our lives? Do we sometimes duck tape broken ankles? Do we sometimes present our injuries like trophies? What an interesting way to break the ice... Mr. Frosty.

It was a brief encounter and it was cut short by other friends stealing me away. I only got to the tip of the Frosty iceberg... who knows what other stories he might've shared. Such a different world!

It made me wonder... does my blog entries ever sound "Frost-esque?" I know my life may seem intense and strange... hopefully, not Frostesque...


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