Wednesday, November 16, 2005

PHOTOS: A Prelude of KNL Photos

Here are a few pix from D's colleague. One of D's lucky friends who attended the concert was the lucky winner of the two round trip tickets to the Phillipines on Cathay Airlines.

All the hard work we went through these past several months... I had no idea that everything would look breath-takingly gorgeous. The lighting technician was flown in from San Francisco and we also had a beautiful media display on either side of the concert walls.

I love the way the colors swirl here with D. during "Karasugueyen" a dance about choosing a mate imitating a bird.

These pictures are just a sample. I can't wait to share more on the beauty and diversity of the Filipino dance culture. The dance company is also as diverse as the dances... not everyone is Filipino... all people from other cultural backgrounds are welcome. It is a lot of work but after seeing these pictures.... I think it was worth it.

More pictures coming!


  1. Anonymous12:50:00 PM

    very cool


  2. Anonymous12:52:00 PM

    were you nervous? You look great..
    you look really peaceful and happy.


  3. Anonymous4:27:00 PM

    nice pix! Especially that candid solo of you waving right above! not bad! haha... I wonder WHO the photog is?!?!?!
    your bro -"Reb"

  4. Hey Lady J: Thanks for sharing my photo. :-) It was a great moment of time and a refreshing natural high. I'm glad you braved through the difficult moments because you were beautiful on stage and danced with passion.

