Monday, November 21, 2005

Laughing at the Nightmare

I had another nightmare last night and I had preplanned how to handle it..

When the terrors began.. I thought, here we go again... I had some dread and went through my pronouncements to ward IT away. I found myself thinking... I'm tired.. I need some rest... go away... I can't be bothered... etcetera.

And then my nightmare took an interesting turn.. IT started to shake me.. Like IT was rousing me to wake up and I recall opening my eyes in my dream and I found myself being shaked up a bit and that something was with me under my canopy which I had closed up... I couldn't see it... I was being shook too fast and I didn't have my specs on.

And so I went through my pronouncements to ward IT away... I had a sense that I was tired and wanted to get some rest but this "nightmare" wanted to disrupt my evening and try to give me a scare.

I finally remembered something I read from C.S. Lewis' "Screwtape Letters" about laughing.... It's the quotes he chose before his first chapter...

"The best way to drive out the devil, if he will not yield to texts of Scripture, is to jeer and flout him, for he cannot bear scorn." Martin Luther

"The devil.. the prowde spirite... cannot endure to be mocked." Thomas More

And so I began to laugh... I was terribly tired and wanted to sleep.. and was able to shoo away my nightmare.

I have no idea why I am having nightmares lately. I guess I'll keep blogging it to analyze the patterns of what's going on "around" the nightmare. Dream dictionaries don't seem to spell it out for me... How to explain it in Freudian terms??... Jungian???? Is it my upbringing.. is it my parent's fault? Is it a spiritual issue?
Did I eat something that gives me nightmares? Am I experiencing a food allergy??

I don't know... I guess somewhere down the road, I'll chose a viewpoint that suits my fancy and purpose.


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