Saturday, December 2, 2006

Playing With Dolls

I have ambivalent feelings about playing with dolls. When I was little, I was afraid of them especially the ones with the eyes that open and close. It was easier to play with stuffed animals. I didn't have to think of personalities for them ALL the time. They can simply be themselves; soft, cute and quiet.

But a doll... hmmm. That is like playing with a dead person and having to give life to them all the time. If I couldn't think of thoughts for them, I'd worry that they are thinking about me. I would lock up the few dolls that I had (just a few... 2 or 3) and put them in the far side of my closet.

They are STILL THERE at my mother's house. I am not afraid of them anymore. But it was funny to open my closet last Thanksgiving weekend and see them there as I had left them... (kind of with mom's storage stuff squeezed in with them)

I digress... Anyway, sometimes I wonder if playing with dolls though capable of fostering social skills in play time can grow unhealthy social skills. I WONDER if that is why guys complain that they feel like girls are always PLAYING GAMES with them.

Perhaps GUYS are just a SOPHISTICATED DOLL that sometimes goes TERRIBLY WRONG in some girl's play world (except they are still growing up.... like EVERYONE)... They just have a doll handicap.

"Why do you have to BE THAT WAY!" (naughty doll) "Now be quiet and drink the tea and enjoy the tea party that I made for you." (naughty doll) "And play nice." (naughty doll)

It can be demanding to a little girl to carry on the doll imaginary world. The dolls might attack when you're sleeping so you created a world where everything went your way.

Stuffed animals are the way to go. I have a diverse and happy world of cuddlies; a baby moose, a panda, a swan, a bunny.. You got the picture? I was practicing for world peace before I was aware what world peace was.

It was easy for me to accept them and I knew that if I left them alone with each other, it would always look like they are enjoying themselves and NOT TALKING SMACK about me (like dolls when they gather without the little girl.)

Now I'm curious.... if a guys plays weird games with me... can I suspect that he played with dolls when he was little? Some guys like to impose their personalities on me and sometimes INSIST that they know my own thoughts BETTER than me. I sometimes feel like a prop instead of a person. Why must they have such a surprised look when I speak?

Yes... I have movable arms, legs, and hips but I don't have a string to pull to say predictable programmed words to build your esteem on demand.

Perhaps he too needs to get complete with that inner child...

Dolls or stuffed animals????


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