Sunday, December 17, 2006

An Occupying Obsession

I don't know how to define my love for words. As a musician, I also have a romance for notes. But my love for words followed me through music school where I journaled daily and manifested little futures that became marked with little stars as my wishes came true.

I'm under a spell... if I could live on music and writing and never have to eat or sleep, except for pure pleasure and not necessity.. What would life be like? Can I write a concerto with words? A part of me scoffs at the idea of gracing myself across libraries...

Isn't LIFE itself the great symphony? A part of me thinks of Mendellson, Bach.... Beethoven especially... pouring their souls into their work because their essence demanded the freedom to be expressed. And what their souls created couldn't be contained within the four walls of their private worlds... IT breathed its existence beyond... where libraries only TRY to contain them...

Could we all live like that? Be so free and expanded that libraries celebrate you by holding onto a remnant of you that breathes yet beyond their walls..


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:04:00 PM

    "A part of me thinks of Mendellson, Bach.... Beethoven especially... pouring their souls into their work because their essence demanded the freedom to be expressed. And what their souls created couldn't be contained within the four walls of their private worlds... IT breathed its existence beyond... where libraries only TRY to contain them..."


