Wednesday, August 24, 2005

POEM: Spotlight (Pantoum form)


at the center of the stage
the lights shining solely on you
in the darkest place to engage
a blinding spotlight cuts the view

the lights shining solely on you
loving silhouettes in horizons afar
a blinding spotlight cuts the view
isolating time to a star

loving silhouettes in horizons afar
admiring shadows on the floor
isolating time to a star
you dream of wanting more

admiring shadows on the floor
from the center of spotlight space
you dream of wanting more
of candles lighting a lover's face

from the center of your spotlight space
a lonely hunger calls out an ironic desire
of candles lighting a lover's face
a song longing for a choir

a lonely hunger calls out an ironic desire
at the center of the stage
a song longing for a choir
in the darkest place to engage

all eyes are full of anticipation
at the center of the stage
smile alone despite spotlight frustration
in the darkest place to engage

a lonely hunger calls out an ironic desire
a song longing for a choir

Copyright ©2005 J. R. Hollyday


  1. I wrote this being inspired by a performer who sang her heart out to her audience that she couldn't see because of the bright lights...

    and I related to her as she spoke out to her audience... wanting to connect yet experiencing a gulf of space...

    I think everyone feels lonely at some time and at ironic moments... like when there is so much attention given us....

  2. Anonymous11:38:00 AM

    this is very good. your imagination came up trumps with this new version of loneliness, it rhymed and flowed well... pat

  3. Anonymous11:39:00 AM

    the pantoum is one of my favorite verse forms ... great for playing with double meanings in words

  4. Anonymous11:40:00 AM

    From what I have heard, pantoums are very difficult to write, so accolades to you on this wonderful piece of poetic art. You have chosen just the 'write' words to put in this poem. Keep up the great work!

  5. Anonymous11:42:00 AM

    I love what you have done with the stucture of the poem, with no punctuation. It seems to flow much better that way. I also love how it seems to be a train of thought of the writer. The rhythm seems to go perfect with the emotion in the poem. Great job.

  6. Anonymous11:43:00 AM

    I Thought this poem was quite unique in favor of the pantoum. Very moving I was hanging on the edge of my seat. I really loved this poem. Excellent Job!!! Well mastered!!! Your friend in poetry, Sue G.
