Friday, August 5, 2005

Getting Over Myself

I woke up at 7:45 and went back to sleep and didn't wake up until 10:30. I had a good practice night after a crazy teaching schedule.... where I taught all day, missed lunch, taught through to the evening. I didn't have any food until after 9pm. I guess I'm doing alright. I had managed coaching seven students, met a new parent who had been waiting for weeks to tell me that she would like her son to study with me and had heard good things of me (that made me feel special) I had been too focused to feel hungry. I didn't have time to get into a bad mood.

My schedule this week is really all over the place. A dozen of my students decided to play musical time slots with my life.... they have no idea how it turns my life upside down... Did I also mention that 6 students took the summer off? My income has taken a roller coaster ride... thank God that I've kept my economic options open. I've been growing my residual income base steadily.... that I'm venturing into saying goodbye to roommates and living in the luxury of solitude.

I hope to brave that option. I'm enjoying knowing that my stuff here is completely all mine. I can make the other bedroom into an office / guestroom. Woo hoo... Am I turning into a grown-up?

Anyway, I got up and practiced for a bit and then enjoyed my garden for a bit (watered and cleaned) and stopped when I found a dead mouse... EWWWWW that I will have to get the building manager to look after.

I wrote to BooGuru, who's moved into the USC library. I haven't seen him in a month! He's been busy composing, writing and studying. I wish I was a book or his guitar. He doesn't even have time to relax and dream so he's left the vacation planning to me. He's made some initial reservations for Disney World...

J called to treat me out to lunch. We went to our favorite spot where we usually gab once every other week about boyfriends, business and life in general.

Practiced some more after lunch and packed up my costumes and props for dance rehearsal. I taught a couple of lessons en route... My nerves had a grazing when a three year old brother of my student threw a tantrum because he wants piano lessons too. He had a screaming fit outside of the room for which I had no idea. I learned before leaving...

his mom requested that I assess her son and see if he can have a start on music private lessons.

I had a stressful drive in traffic to get to rehearsal at Venice from Beverly Hills. I felt like I NEEDED a glass of wine to unravel. But someone brought a chocolate cake whose calories we burned right away doing ritual dances that comprise the first act of the show. I am enjoying the tribal stuff... such particular walks and stances and then I get to be the girl at the altar shaking branches blessing the dancers as they circle around me and the other guy with me... I guess we are the high priest and priestess of this scene...

Rehearsal got out at 10pm. I went home and cleaned a little of my ex-roommate's room. I don't know if she's going to come over soon to take care of it... She said she would but I have a feeling that life is just going to swallow her up and so I might as well try to make a go at cleaning. Hopefully, she'll become available to help patch up the walls and paint... I cleaned and then practiced the "suite bergamasque" that I'm enjoying working on and a little bit of albeniz's "iberia".. specifically the "evocacion"... Spanish Classical Piano is becoming an addicting passion.

Things that I am proud this week:

I enjoyed my personal practice time.

I enjoy teaching despite challenges in scheduling, income, and drama.

I am present to the fact that my students love their lessons and their parents respect me and are supportive of their children's commitment to learning making the hard times worth it... Who they are to me also helps generate the teacher that I am....

I got over my upset that my ex-roomie may not keep her word and decided to clean her room anyway... Since I'm the only one capable of making me happy, I can't expect to wait on her for my happiness....and I want the room so I can make my office and motivate myself even building my business and teaching practice more to afford the place to my self.

I have two new students to begin in the next week.

I enjoyed dance rehearsal and feel like I'm getting caught up a bit more... thanks to the time the seasoned dancers set aside to help refine my moves.

I like seeing my new "office" come to life.

AND I'm excited that BooGuru wants to go away together. It was very surprising ... and I love surprises.


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