Saturday, May 5, 2007

Romancing LA

Ahh to love Los Angeles... It's a contentious subject to some. It's not that the smog has overtaken me or that I relish joining the parade of cars to drive 10 miles over a course of an hour.

I think the challenge interests me. Los Angeles is my Mt. Everest for creating real human connections of substance despite the plethora of plasticity. Los Angeles is my martial arts stage where I learn to relax into becoming a master within the center of egotistic chaos.

And despite the silicon cloned, tanning salonized, image proselytlized worshippers, I have found some genuine souls with real gold hearts. Romancing Los Angeles has become my adventure, a true desert to wander through, to not be seduced by false paths and trust that I will thrive.

There are some truly beautiful GORGEOUS souls that have a special shine and I'm casting those folks into my life; my world.

Princess N and I are debuting our blogradio show in a few weeks. It is called Romancing LA. It's on life, loving your own personal Mt. Everest through the cold, (smog) (shallowness) and thin air (or ice) of life and making an adventure of it. You don't have to be from Los Angeles to appreciate it.

Wish us luck.


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