Sunday, June 11, 2006


Words that enlighten the soul are more precious than jewels.

~ Hazrat Inayat Khan

I live in a town where talk can be cheap. It's only because they're throwing pennies.

Are you living on pennies? Are you doling out only pennies?

Conversation within my certain circles may be labeled rigorous and intense though exciting.

Increase the radius and there are less demands on those who choose hanging out in the periphery. It's a good place being an acquaintance. Some people just want to be that low profile friend that talks about the weather, current news and then go home after enough drinks have been consumed.

Some people choose to pass through people's lives and then disappear. It's nice to be a tourist too.

Others defy being a fleeting friend. A cocktail, a couple of conversations and a choice sets them apart. And so they speak to you in such a way to speak to the core of your soul. And they speak to you in such a way to say that they've been listening and not just admiring you for the way you look in that little velvet dress. And they also get that you've been listening and talking to them for a long while and that it's just time to up the anty and say what's at stake: LIFE -- we're in it TOGETHER... COOL!!!

It's a subtle evolution in relating that becomes obvious to those who find that unmarked corridor that leads to the open courtyard. It is in that courtyard where I enjoy that I have friends that bejewel my mind. It is in that space that I know what it is to be lavished with love.... in a space of friendship and respect... It is where I really feel beauty... and attraction is a whole different game.

Can Life be any more beautiful and sexier than what you are experiencing? Maybe? Mindblowingly so....

"You're hot. "You're such a babe. You're sexy."

Yes... and God has given me a brain that won't pretend that I don't know what you're driving at.... You're sweet, you're cute.... you're not going to play me like that ... are you??? You can be at least a LITTLE bit interesting and intriguing... can you???

Pennies to be thrown to the next pretty face in the town of beautiful starving people. Repeat until desired results come about. I know Life can be a numbers game; a gamble... but why sit at the slots when you can think a little bit more and play black jack?

I want words that speak to the core of me and not at the surface of me.

I'm not a slot machine to gamble time away with. I'm a thinking, feeling soul that happened to be genetically set up in favorable cute packaging.

I do adore sparkly, gorgeous finery. Yes...its a personal feminine joy of mine...

But I love things more valuable and precious than jewels.....

Please pardon my rant... just tired... I suppose...


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