Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Life is short. Enjoy it. And call your grandmother.

This is an eclipse shot from one of my favorite movies "Baraka"

If you like to travel, you will be blown away by the gorgeous cinematography taking you through SIX different continents. The images are awe-inspiring and the music (sigh)... divine.

I had attended a screening some time ago with the composer available for Q & A afterwards. He described his vision to create a world music symphony. If you haven't seen it yet, I cannot recommend it enough. Art theaters tend to show it every year...

ANYWAY... I bring up this image because it has been an intense day. I didn't get to bed until 6am. I had made the mistake of having a soda during the day and the caffeine kicked my butt until dawn.

I was up by 10am. The bunny that I am babysitting had broken out of her cage. I found her hopping joyfully through-out the apartment. And every single one of my students cancelled for the day over illness and whatnot. Blast, I'm already losing half my income for the month due to the season.

I decided to practice with the extra time before my own lesson.. (I finally have the Beethoven 2nd movement under my fingers and I dove into dissecting the 3rd)... and I did some Christmas shopping. I don't like feeling ill over money and the holidays. My teaching practice WILL pick up after the new year and I do have others streams of income. My whole game for the month is to not get overwhelmed by the bumps or I won't be able to generate myself for any of my creative and business endeavors.

A. got called into work for an emergency (in New York) seems like the place is going crazy with the transit employees going on strike. What a perfect week to make a national statement. A. of course, couldn't show up for work. She's just moved to Los Angeles! And then to top it off, her grandmother died today. The poor girl... She has just left for work because today is meant to be her last day there and she also wanted to say goodbye before moving on to her other projects. She was torn and didn't know what to do. I offered to cancel my evening commitments to sit with her but she needed the distraction of work. The poor girl...

I felt devastated with her for a while. I'm going to call my grandmother to tell her I love her and tell her that she MUST take good care of herself because I think it would be cool to have her around for MY babies... when I finally get around to getting married and having babies.

Meanwhile, I have my writing, a bunny on the loose, my students all over the map, my schedule upside down, Christmas with family in San Diego, a guest coming in from New Zealand after Christmas and a New Year's Eve party to plan.

And in the boy front..... My mathematician is stuck under a barrage of books and paper and my Swiss crush is freezing himself for Christmas in the Alps.

Otherwise, life is great.

It is a full on experience. It's a good thing I like roller coasters. I am just trying to coast through the lighter moments to make it through the rest of the year's ride.

Is it just us here... or is life intense out THERE where you are too???


1 comment:

  1. Everyday is gamble. Some days are magnificent ones where you feel special, unique. Other days, confusion and the "why" questions surface, thus creating intensity that is difficult to make sense. If I were playing Blackjack right now, my wages would be down. Life is a risky gamble, however, I choose to play and be active in creating my faith.
