Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Blame It On The Bunny

How's this for a close up on the bunny? She is happily hopping around as I sit on my floor with my laptop next to the Christmas tree.

What a day! What a week! What a month! What a year!!!!

My schedule is so turned around. I have been getting to bed by 6am... up and on the go again by 11am.

This particular week has been full of bittersweet moments. Since I live in my head mostly, it was interesting to find myself "feeling" stuff this week.

Maybe I'm emotional this week because I'm experiencing my allergic reactions to the bunny. Within an hour of cuddling and petting this fluffy bundle, I was sneezing and hugging a roll of toilet paper like we were best friends. But the bunny is soooo adorable... it's CRIMINAL!

So instead of sitting in my suffering and sneezing, I've decided to enjoy her irrestible effect upon me despite myself... and her visit seems to have coincided with a lot of emotional brainstorming within me.

I'm cruising on the edge of my brain and haven't gotten too soft and "feely feely" but I'm keenly aware that I feel more emotional than usual.

Like "giddy-ness" over text messages from the boy in Switzerland. We were hanging out for only a week and I thought he'd forget about me by now. Well there's two weeks before ABC returns and I can fit a lot of life in two weeks. I wonder if he'll still be texting his cute messages... He is catching my attention.

But then there's my epic crush with the mathematician who's presence takes the ground away from me and fills me with intense confusion because I go onto emotion overload working desperately to keep my cool when I'm around him. Even thinking about him sometimes sends me out to orbit... working keeps me sane and its a good place to put this intense energy. I experience intense "sentiments" towards him and yet relief that he is busy with his studies. I guess if I had to be straight, then I must say that I have a lot of love, passion, nervousness and relief in my thoughts over him. His intellect rigor is ... all that...

ABC is a different type of intrigue that I have no conclusions as of yet though... we shall see...

Not too many people get my interest. Two boys... it's quite a record. I thought I was impervious to "love stuff."

So that is the good and insane love stuff that I'm enjoying on the edge of my brain... probably due to an allergic reaction to the bunny.

D. invited me to join him at a funeral this morning. I was caught off-guard. It's not the kind of thing you get asked to everyday. It was his co-worker's wife's funeral... someone who died after losing a battle to cancer.... Right after requesting me to accompany him, he put me on hold because one of his co-workers was on the other line to see if he was going... While he took that call, I felt like I could turn into a puddle.

I had been hanging out in my garden, watering the plants in gorgeous 70's warm weather when I was struck with a grey cloud. When he got back on the line, I told him I couldn't do and didn't care to go to anyone's funeral except my own. I told him I've only been to one funeral and that was my dad's when I was 12 years old. I still remember it so much that I hate to be in limos.

I told D. that I didn't think this was my week to get complete with my funeral issues.

So that comes to TWO deaths that I came across this week.... A's grandmother died yesterday and today a funeral was going on that D. knew of.

Those were my extreme low points of this week. I had other lows and other highs but what can I say.... all these fluffy emotions... where are they coming from???

I'm choosing to blame it on the cute bunny that I'm going to pet and kiss and sneeze over. Next week when she goes back to N. it will be another different and wonderful world... such that life is.


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