Sunday, October 30, 2005

Time to Slow Down

I went to bed at my normal crazy hour after a great evening with friends.

I literally sleep with the angels every night. I have a little lamp with angels holding musical instruments at my bedside table. I keep it on through the day and night... it is my "perpetual candle" with the help of Mr. Edison.

Last night, after getting my room in order, I checked my clock and set my alarm and went to bed with a good book on metaphysics before settling into the cosiest place I know; I said my prayers as I do every single evening... thanking God for this and that.. telling his angels to tell my mathematician that I adore him and then closed my eyes.

I was sitting up in less than an hour after an arduous battle in dreamland. I experienced sounds as if bouncing through a prism. I woke up screaming.

My roommate slept through everything in her side of the house.

I rarely have bad dreams and last night marked my second evening of nightmares. I turned on the BIG light and went back to sleep after checking my clock and confirming that no monsters nor dragons had messed up my bedsheets.

Since this is so unusual for me, I have something odd to analyze this week.

My roommate speculated it might be from eating dinner late. Some folks think that eating cheese can give nightmares. I did afterall, have some brie with a glass of white before dinner.

Is it from stress? I have been pushing myself through rehearsals and lessons and life in general. Do I simply need to slow down or maybe go on vacation?

Someone speculated that I may be surrounded by negativity. This one didn't quite resonate with me considering that I have a great circle of loyal friends who are positive and upbeat. Do I have an enemy waiting at the door who is bitter and full of envy? I don't answer those doors... I'm too busy... if there is a wave of negativity waiting to crash on me.. that wave will have to wait indefinitely for me to give it the time of day.

I don't watch scary movies. I don't humor toxic people and the cheese verdict sounds too much like an old wives' tale.

Perhaps it's a combinations of many variables... Two nightmares within the past four days. Interesting.

One thing is certain. I should slow down and get more rest.



  1. Nightmares. There are lots of ways in interpreting it. One way particular way embedded in the Chinese culture is that dreams are the mirrors of reality. Therefore, what you are dreaming of may be a good sign as well. Nightmares might also be a premonition of change that is coming into your life.

    But insofar as I know, dreams do have meanings and can be interpreted. Perhaps you might try finding an interpreter on the net?

    And by the way, about HTML and linking up your friends' blogs ,email me if you are still interested. I tried posting it here but Blogger doesn't do HTML in comments it seems.

  2. Anonymous11:40:00 AM

    That's so neat that you have an angle lamp. I do too but the bulb's burned out. Maybe it's a metaphor for how I'm feeling about life in general. I should get back into church to help me "recharge" my light.

  3. Anonymous9:25:00 PM

    I notice when I have problems sleeping, have nightmares or just plain can't shut my mind off it's due to money troubles. I worry about making payments, paying rent, etc and not wanting to tell people that I'm having money difficulty. That's a huge weakness for me, appearing like I don't have enough money to go out and have a good time. And I am not extravagant by any means, especially by LA standards.

    How are you financially? I never really noticed that I worried about money so much until I lived with someone who paid for almost everything and I had to ask for money which is a huge weakness...or when I can't say no to something I really shouldn't buy and suffer later.

    It's amazing, when I am good on money I am good at sleeping...don't even need Ambien! :)

