Tuesday, January 25, 2005

POEM (limerick style) : Pearl on Trial

Convicted before you we have a pretty girl
Who in our sea of humanity has been a naughty pearl
She's catches men's eyes with heartless cold skill
And empties the poor creatures on the beach to chill
Presenting Exhibit A; Her Net, I unfurl

She has a gaze that captures
With a history of heart raptures
Nothing short of criminal to speak of
She is an enemy of sweet love
Denying Affection's overtures

Exhibit B; She torments with a smile
The number of casualties is quite vile
She is a danger to society
A cause of angst and anxiety
Her indictment will be truly worthwhile

Her file is a misery to see!
Miss, have you any last words to plea?
The jury turned now to face the young lass
And surprised them all for the absence of sass
"I simply invited him over for tea."

Out to sea, they disappear!
"If it was love, they'd reappear."
Broken hearts is your crime
"No, broken egos! Not worth a dime.
To them I'm merely pretty, never dear."

"I buy myself flowers.
I spend my days alone for hours.
A walk by the sea?
An hour for tea?
And I have contemptible powers?"

The jury was quite vexed
The girl was eloquent and complex
Was she a siren on the loose?
Or an innocent on the noose?
A witness spoke next

"I felt entitled because she was nice."
Another stood, "I wanted her without a price."
"She looked at me. I thought it was enough."
"I scared her off. I was a bit rough."
With all those words, the jury didn't think twice.

The girl was set free
Innocent to find a love that reappeared.
The broken egos made no voice
Creating no choice
And disappeared.

Copyright ©2005 J. R. Hollyday

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:30:00 PM

    I think this is detailed and deep. It reads well and I can understand what youre doing with the theme. You stay with it and don't loose it. The last stanza is strong and holds it's own. There is a rhythm here that I can hold onto as I read it. I like the idea.
