Saturday, January 8, 2005


It is raining.

I am enjoying the best... the best rootbeer float. All by myself. It is raining.

I have all my candles lit up and my room is my perfect little thinking space. It would be nice to see someone thinking here too. Reading a book, sitting with their self, being... Being a world of their own. It is raining. Again.

I am dancing in my head. I listen to music from around the world. I travel to many strange places and here's my postcard. Here I am. It is raining. Again.

I am laughing at the magic of God visiting my world. The radio begins to play a song in 6/8...rock style meets india 4/4 counterpoint melody, harmonic minor and the lyrics sing...

"It is raining. Again." (9 Rains from Mexico City...Steven Brown vocals.. a band from Mexico City)

I guess it was time to end my tangent and have another sip of my rootbeer float... and be taken into a new world .. this time with Jobim.

Funny how life presents such moments of magic and synchronicity. I was daydreaming and writing how it was raining again and creating something around that phrase and then my radio sings my only repeating refrain to me as the main line of their chorus. Weird but perfect... And I get to enjoy thinking about the Great Intelligence and Intention that really rules my world.


  1. Anonymous3:44:00 PM

    Hello, Gin-ette (your alcoholic name)!

    I read a lot of your blog selections/thoughts. I think it's important to get your thoughts on paper like that.

    As it is, I will be moving next Sunday (Jan. 16th, 2005). The place I have settled with is in Hollywood right next to the Hollywood Bowl. The unit is nice, although the building itself is just kind of blah. The layout is cool--it's like one big open space.

    Hope all is well with you. After the move, I'm looking forward to having/making more time to spend with people on the up and up. Like you!!!!!

    Hope your Bug is okay and running well. I'm down with the old car gig, and my next car will for sure be old--probably from the sixties or early seventies. I have had a 1965 Caddy, a 1972 Dodge, and a 1977 Lincoln. The only thing I really like about new cars is their relaxed maintenance schedules (try a tune up every 100,000 miles versus the old car's 10,000 miles), and their reliability and strength. Creature comforts don't count since the old cars (namely the luxury ones) have always had such features as air conditioning, power windows, power seats, etc. Those have all been around since the forties and fifties. And some new cars have absolutely amazing power and torque, sometimes bettering even the muscle cars of the late sixties and early seventies.

    What's new with you? Would you be down with hanging out sometime soon?


  2. Gordotini,

    My blog is happy and growing. Are you one of the folks making comments? Do you have a blog? Start one! It's a fun way to document the journey of your life. It seems like you are about to embark on a new phase of your life. I'm looking forward to you living by the bowl. My friends and I love going to concerts there and with you living there, you'll have to join us!!

    I've been keeping myself busy journaling and writing. I have a competition I'm preparing 40 pieces for. If you've read my blog then you're watching it come together. Feel free to comment and critique and share your thoughts. I really appreciate what people have to share and it further inspires my art.

    Let's definitely hang out soon.... maybe after you get settled in and then I know you have your landmark forum coming up. What an exciting fresh 2005 you are creating... What's your resolutions and dreams?

    Looking forward to hearing more from you.

