Sunday, January 23, 2005

Dancing Again

Dance rehearsal was demanding. It was my first day dancing since so many years. I got very dizzy going across the room doing pirouettes.

My body feels the workout and I am excited. I am going to be in such stellar shape... I

I had cut out a dancer and pasted it on my October calender earlier this week. It just happens that Kayamanan will be having a performance slated during October coinciding with my goals. My goal is to go for it. Here's their website to learn about them:

I have a lot of songs to learn to sing aside from the dances but I am excited and having a solid goal and the plus of getting very physically fit for performance is very motivating. I also have a practice partner, D! so yay

Speaking of goals... K. called recently as well and says it's been over 11 days since he danced with tobacco and he feels free, happy, healthier and dynamic. so double yay yay to K!

On the road to reach goals. What will life look like when dreams after dreams come true?

To a beautiful life!

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