Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Uncentering the Egomaniac in You

It's back to school month and in jnetsworld it is BACK TO SELF month.

Is your EGO getting in the way like a troll that calls the shots as to when you can cross the bridge?

We all have egos and they love to wear different masks and the particular one I am addressing this month is the fearsome troll that takes over one's better interest.

Last week in "Games Egos Play" we talked about the different masks one may find oneself wearing. Are you a certain person with your parents versus your friends or your colleagues? When you're the director of your life and you don't know that you're wearing a look that is no longer working for you and you are stuck in a script, how do you evolve to enjoy an authentic and spontaneous life?

Forgive yourself first and let's stop taking the stage too seriously. It's time to play in the prop closet and see what is there. Awareness doesn't have to be a scary thing.

This coming week's show is called, "Putting Away the Mask: Uncentering the Egomaniac in You." I'll be piecing my thoughts together and welcome your thoughts.

Call in to say hello.


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