Wednesday, September 21, 2005

WORD UP: Creativity Beyond Crayons and Clay

I have been very naughty in completing my BSF homework but I did glean at least one profound thought thus far.

Creativity.. Beyond crayons

Can you imagine an intense love that is inspired from within and not through mechanical reasoning... power with life behind it?

Inspiration where creation comes from nothing... having purpose... making preparation?

I listened to Bach's Piano Concerto No. 1 in D minor today and was humbled to tears by Glen Gould's performance of Bach's genius. What a brain massage! Put it on really loud or listen via headphones. I don't care how you do it, just do it.

What an inspired composer.. Listening to Bach connected me to my Genesis homework. I can only imagine the zone that Bach created from and if that is genius to me than my understanding of God's mind is only a tenth of a grain of sand. Both created from the nothingness and the everything-ness of their imagination, inspiration and purpose; a power and passion from within...

The water picture ABOVE is of the effects of Bach music upon water. Yes, water actually has a reaction to music. Some food for thought. Considering that we are made up of water molecules....

I thought I'd also share a tiny bit of Dr. Emoto's findings which he writes of in "Messages in the Water." The picture BELOW is the effect of HEAVY METAL music. Hmmm... Bach vs. Heavy Metal... Is it a difficult choice?

The concept of time interests me as well as our perspectives of time.

To a child, a time-out minute in the corner is torture. Time moves differently for a child. I remember one day after planting some bulbs in the garden with my niece one spring day, she watered them with me and then sat there and waited. She expected something to happen.

For a while, time seems to go at a slow pace. You're not 10 years old.. you are 10 in a half or 10 and three quarters. And it felt like you were 10 forever.

I'm in a space where time seems to be an illusion.... a game. And I'm still not a grown up grown up.

So if a thousand years is like a day to God.... really.... what is time?? How will our perspectives of time evolve with each phase of our life? With each lifetime?

And how will that perspective influence what kind of creative thoughts we generate?


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