Friday, August 17, 2007

Playing Private Eye

What initiates change?

That was the question I bounced with friends this week... also the topic for tomorrow's blogtalkradio show. In playing with several answers... "change is" inspired by pride, fear or hate of boredom, a need for variety, diversity, ... because it's the "right thing to do."

I wondered if these "reasons" were simply clues to a bigger WHY.

It isn't enough for me to look at these "encouragements" as big enough definitions of 'WHY', why change, why be flexible, why choose one's particular paths.

I next became distracted by theories of the why nots of my life. If I want change in parts of my life, why am I not creating it in other parts of my life?

I want to practice the piano more than I am. My technique is going to the wasteside. Why am I not going to bikram class when I adore it? Why am I not going to dance rehearsal this season? Why don't I concern myself with dating like everyone else? I detoured onto a tiny guilt trip that lasted for a mini minute.

Guilt trips are like merry go rounds. They are not fun once they start moving at a disconcerting speed and they are a bit dim about stopping on their own. I'm the person responsible for taking myself off the guilt trip and choose an action... Waiting to be saved is not an option. I read somewhere that if you want to change your dance, first you must change the music...

So can it be that whatever is missing and is creating the kNOTs in Life be also what is needed to make the WHY YES paths clear? This is the conversation that will be taken up at Blogtalkradio on Saturday morning.


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