Monday, August 13, 2007


I have been swimming laps in my head. It's been the battle of the wits for the past couple of months, that I hadn't written of the details that kept me sane and balanced. A couple of friend betrayals/surprises, homefront worries, car troubles, income woes and a 4.5 (mild) earthquake has made life interesting and indulgent.

And if the world-at-large was not demanding at the moment - then I made busy with my free time to analyze the situations and design a plan to handle things and improve on this game of life.

"I need to laugh less... a lot less."

Am I being hypercritical of myself? I listen and study my blogtalk radio shows... dissecting my presentation, planning my next show with less laughter. My nervous habits distract me. And I realize my listening of my guests will improve when I get a handle on my jitters.

"I need to exercise more, eat better, moisturize more."

S0mehow, between the laps of splashing in my concerns, I manage many moments to float and enjoy a meal with a friend, read more pages in a book, take care of a garden, visit an exhibit, enjoy traveling to visit friends and family... many things that ought to be noted in my blog ... those things that kept me afloat.


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