Saturday, February 19, 2005

POEM: Impetuous Words

impetuous words litter the past
piling reckless insult into private nook
vandalising walkways and bridges

like notes played with hazard and no heart
insincerity interrupts the band of a song
silence stretches over tensions of time
ready to conduct a new storm

yesterday was clothed with promises and dreams
today is dressed like a pauper
a future squandered for righteous posturing
replacing a shelter from choice words

impetuous words litter our private world
reckless insults stray from all directions
we are caught in a storm of bad weather
without an umbrella to weave our dreams together

Copyright ©2005 J. R. Hollyday


  1. Anonymous2:17:00 AM

    The Moving finger Writes, and having Writ Moves ON..." In my tenure on this earth, I have tried to remember that poem, because once written (or spoken) the words move on and there is no way to come back and wipe out a word of it. Your poem has the wisdom of centuries. If you must cut, cut lightly so that no scar will remain to be seen.
    Great work as always. (Nobody owns an umbrella in California!) Lyle

  2. Anonymous2:37:00 AM

    Words said in haste are soon regretted -That is so true.I loved your phrasing andtelling what needs to be said everyday

  3. very insightful poem. you should write more often...

  4. Sincere and heartfelt! Very good word choices, I am jealous.

  5. Anonymous10:12:00 AM

    You do have a way with words... and you have challenged me to be careful of the words I speak, lest I be guilty of "piling reckless insult into private nook".
