Monday, September 13, 2010

L’enfer C’est Les Autres

l’enfer c’est les autres

I received a beautiful email last night.

And I wondered what life lived in each word. So poignant, so eloquent, so moving. It breathed and sighed and went to my very core. I wanted to kiss it. I was dissolved.

It was perfect.

All that beauty and eloquence moving me was then suddenly attacked by a runaway train led by sycophants. It took those glorious words, threw them aside and mocked me with laughter.

Those on the train laughed and told me that I was naively gullible and that I deserved the pain I felt. They said the world had lots of dark surprises and that I needed to be angry and feisty. They said that I was too sweet and I will not survive if I continued being sweet for sweet things are meant to be devoured.

L'enfer c'est les autres.

I gave them only silence... When there was nothing left for them to laugh at, they rode away. Waving....

"Bye, sis!"

"You're great. Thank you."

"That was a lot of fun. See ya."

And I was reminded once again... that moving forward happens many times firstly by getting up from the dust. Sometimes, there is no cheering crowd to support and light the way.

Sometimes, the beginning begins from a lonely silence and you are the only voice.... and your throat is full of dirt and dust. And everything is up to you to declare that you are alive.


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