Friday, November 30, 2007

A Garden in Mind

If you saw something beautiful in a garden that you wanted, would you want to take it home for yourself knowing that it would begin dying the day you took it for yourself?

How different things could be if understanding patience, love and faith would show that if you allowed that something beautiful to grow that it might bear fruit and seed to ride with the wind and become a garden at whatever good earth you had for it.

Yet, how is it that people make promises of their goodness and yet never are generous or are sparingly so., conditionally so... What flower thrives better cut from it roots? What flower delights in meeting with garden scissors and looks forward to sitting in rooms that have no sunshine?

Just some thoughts milling through my mind to consider for tomorrow's show on "Romancing LA".



  1. Anonymous10:19:00 AM

    I have read many of your text blogs studded with the beautiful images. it's really a separate world into which we are invited. you are a prolific writer.

  2. beautifully written.. I've just read your latest two posts so far but i already like the simplicity with which you've expressed your thoughts.. I will read more though.. Happy blogging :)

  3. thanks for the wonderful words... feel at home in my world... i hope all is well in your world.

