Friday, July 1, 2005

The Heat Is On

It's summer.

Life will be looking different in 30 days. Which way to go? I fluctuate from feeling creative to feeling stagnant. I bounce in my head... Fear is the useless and easy door... But amusing positivity and expansiveness and the many balls in the air, is not an simple task.

Just how fun and great can life go?

"You need to dream and not stop. What do you want? Name it all!" E said in a very playful moment. How absolutely fun and interesting that someone with such a restrained posture is so boundless... To know and love E is to do tandem skydiving, switching over who jumps the edge of the plane first every so often.

I keep finding E in the air and the space called my life. It's strange and sometimes I wonder if I imagine things but just when I feel cozy in a secret corner, E. shows up as if it were home to him.

It's a dynamic that's intriguing and boring. Just when I'm ready to call it typical or confusing or complex something happens that makes things make sense.

So summer is gorgeous so far and is having some interesting turns. And with a sink or swim mindset, I'm showing up to my commitments and yet creating new connections. Began a new student in Beverly Hills which a family from Bel Air connected me to. Very sweet people. A new student's mom that I began a few weeks ago gave me a gift of strawberry jam that she made herself. A teacher on summer break is studying with me and her enthusiasm is fun. From our lesson last week, she's planning to continue her study with me when she resumes with her school schedule. A parent told me that his daughter was now one of the best math students in her school which is a huge turn around from a few years ago and he attributes it to his daughter's study of music. Great results. My teaching practice is full of fun, enthusiastic and committed people.

Just how fun and great can life go?

"You need to dream and not stop. What do you want? Name it all!"

Dance rehearsal is going very well. I'm feeling more like a dancer and less awkward with the choreography. I am in half a dozen of the numbers and not all the dances are choreographed yet. I'm in a space where I look forward to rehearsal; I have friends that spend their free time introducing themselves to me and helping me learn the sequences. Six straight hours every Sunday and a midweek rehearsal. C. who owns a vintage clothes boutique down the street knew I was looking for petticoats for dance that she dug them up and displayed them on the sidewalk rack so that I would come in and say hello. I thought that was nice. With life going on this graceful and friendly... How great can it get?

I'm hanging out with M. today. We've been busy with our respective schedules that I hadn't spent a lot of time with her in months. Since before she left for a spring break in Paris. I helping her brainstorm ideas for her photography class assignment. Reconnecting is nice. I also caught up with M. (another girlfriend)... who had been travelling a lot recently. She had just returned from South America and was just packing for New Orleans when I called and caught her before she dashed off for a few weeks. And then A. and I have been spending most weekends running around in a convertible for fun in the sun...

I have friends I want to visit in Boston next month and I hope I can pull off a nice break. Friends, teaching, E, dance ... what else is going well?

Oh yes, my niece, M and mom are spending a few days with me next week. That will be fun. We will be visiting gardens, going for walks and making meals together. M. wants to see the big houses and mom wants to go to Universal Studios. Isn't that funny? Mom wants to go on the rides and the little girl wants to look at real estate. I'm looking forward to it... So there.. family is on the sunny side as well.

I think I'll ride this wave for as long as I can keep my eyes on it. What else do I want? What else to name?


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