Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Atlas Shrugged... Distinction of Power vs. Force

"Miss Taggart, do you know the hallmark of the second-rater? It's resentment of another man's achievement. Those touchy mediocrities who sit trembling lest someone's work prove greater than their own - they have no inkling of the loneliness that comes when you reach the top. The lonliness for an equal - for a mind to respect and an achievement to admire. They bare their teeth at you from out of their rat holes, thinking that you take pleasure in letting your brilliance dim them - while you'd give a year of your life to see a flicker of talent anywhere among them. They envy achievement, and their dream of greatness is a world where all men have become their acknowledged inferiors. They don't know that that dream is the infallible proof of mediocrity, because that sort of world is what the man of achievement would not be able to bear. They have no way of knowing what he feels when surrounded by inferiors - hatred? no, not hatred, but boredom - the terrible, hopeless, draining, paralyzing boredom. Of what account are praise and adulation from men whom you don't respect? Have you ever felt the longing for someone you could admire? For something, not to look down at, but up to?"

Dr. Stadler to Miss Dagny Taggart
"Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand PART II "Either-Or"

I went to the Illiad bookstore and replaced my tattered copy of "Atlas Shrugged," one of my favorite books. I also bought a copy of Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States" and tried to find a copy of "The Alchemist" but only found a copy in Spanish.

I love "Atlas Shrugged" because the heros are such strong personalities... strong meaning in spirit and passion... industrialists whose passions are the empires they build. And the heroine rocks. I want to be her when I grow up. She's the brains running a railroad empire who knows the company better than her brother who is the acting president. The power, the intrigue, the intelligence of the powerful and the cunning of the weak rolled into a concert of strategies.

The above paragraph really spoke to me that I copied it onto my journal... It speaks of power which I distinguish as something that wells from inner strength... and it speaks of force... the inauthentic power produced from weakness used in manipulation. There are those who find their source intrinsically and there are those who seek their source outside of themselves.

Nelson Mandela said something that complements the above paragraph ... which I've included in my journal as well...

"You are a child of God.

Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us... And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

On a more optimistic point he encourages one to integrate one's aspiration with their actions and way of being... you become a "second rater" once you dismiss the dignity of aspiration and opt for cut-throat competition with slippery tactics... Both writers would encourage to just focus one's self to the star which has one's gaze. As Leonardi da Vinci had put it...

"Obstacles cannot crush me, every obstacle yields to stern resolve. He who is fixed to a star does not change his mind."

What is excellence at the cost of integrity?


Sunday, November 27, 2005

Friendships That Work and Friendships That Don't

I'm managing to spend some time with friends though it is feeling a bit intense seeing that I've just come off a very fast train.

CB is one of my closest friends in the whole world... We went to high school together, we moved to Boston together to go to music school and CB is still a friend that I can trust my world with fully. She is in San Diego and I miss not having her nearer. She's known me most of my life and she's someone that to my great comfort "gets me." I have a small handfull of people who orbit that close to my soul... where most people feel like travellers passing through.

My quiet world is a bit different when she is around for she is someone who shows up and sits in the very seconds of reality that I'm observing at the moment.

Experiencing friendship and reality at a level that is profoundly out of step from the daily groove, is refreshing. It's like having sunlight hit through a prism and enjoying rainbows. Time actually seems to stop for me... consistently between certain relationships.

Do you know those kinds of friendships where doubt and misunderstanding is rare... where acceptance and the virtues rule?

I want to understand what the winning formula is. Is it sharing history? Growing up together from childhood? A cheerful disposition and positive outlook?

I just had a tiff with a friend here in Los Angeles that has left me frustrated and a bit bewildered. We don't have enough shared history in comparison to other friendships. We didn't grow up together and we have different backgrounds. And I can't say that our friendship is framed in cheer and positivity.... She had gone on to say some things that I was sad to hear and wondered if she regretted saying them. All in the glory of honest confrontation and the battle to be right. It has left a gap in our friendship and marks another cold season coming between us.

I'm growing tired of the trend. Telling details of the conflict is just sharing a story... a story that ends with no friendship and no connection. She and I didn't create any happy resolutions.

If I could bottle what CB and I enjoy in how we relate, I would take a dose of it now so I wouldn't be so sad and disappointed at the stupidity of a fallen moments of friendship here. It would be an elixir that went down well and warmed the soul, oiled the brain and made laughter and smiles return to natural states.

I'm perhaps indulging my sadness a little much. I had a great time this weekend with friends despite one blow up.


Friday, November 25, 2005

POEM: Journey of Faith

A grain of sand in an hourglass finds a second
To sit quietly proclaiming no errors abound..
Floats in the space between paradise and a mountain...
Finding assurance in touching the ground...

Experience greeting with a wave of the hand
The sun's laughter heralds a new day
Such is the conversation between one and God
A private road, a sure path, and lit way

As minutes round about a new second
And detours interrupt daily routine
A parade of the mundane and adventure
Pays tribute to the serene and in between

Faith enduring the uncharted journeys
Recording discoveries from the course
Mapping the way for those who follow the song
Compelled and inspired to find the source

Trails bending with the choices declared
Views intensified by the dark and the light
A song notated upon a soul
Led by love and not by sight

Faithful soul claim this second
The eternity of paradise created for you
Putting aside all illusion of division
The song you hear is real and true

The song you hear is I and You
The song you hear is I love You.

Copyright ©2005 J. R. Hollyday

WORD UP: Evolutions of Faithfulness

This past week's BSF study had me sitting at the table of thought for a while.

We rounded up our study of Genesis ONE through ELEVEN....as well as traveled in many spots of the Bible for thought-provoking snacks.

The journey of "faith" from the beginning of THE BOOK has inspired me to think of my own evolutions of awareness in growing up as a spiritual traveler. I thought I'd map out a few thoughts... maybe I'll learn something about myself and my life...

Faith in Eden -

A faith that understood simply out of love and obedience... simple and innocent...a place where everything is beautiful and perfect... It's a faith that delights in intention that is unassuming and accepting.. where coloring life can be about the blue crayon or the purple crayon and you didn't need to draw within the lines.. A faith that simply expresses by being...

Also such innocence is vulnerable to the blue-crayon despising dragon who likes to tell stories of how IT (LIFE) really is... making one to fidget under the sheer cover of naivete.

The Faith of Abel... Enoch... Noah

Without a manual to connect to the God frequency, there were those who made a stand to listen, live and follow closely to instruction written to hearts celebrating relating... faith that is stalked by dark shadows... faith that envelops and transfigures... faith that withstands uncertainty, fears, and ridicule

Faith is not just knowing, not just believing..

It is a profound action and way of being that opens doors beyond imagination.

A particular verse that struck me this week during our study:

1 John 3:2... allow me to paraphrase...

Dear friends, now we are children of God,
and what we will be has not yet been made known.
But we know that when God appears, we shall be like God,
for we shall see God as God is

Faith in not just knowing, not just believing... it is transforming... and it has my imagination going wondering what it will be like...

What will WE be like..

that "has not yet been made known"



Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Superheros Day

This is A. who is staying with me as she gets set up in LA LA LAND. This picture was taken last month for Halloween.

I think A actually has a schedule crazier than me but despite that, she actually was one of seven people that helped me coordinate keeping my sanity on this carless day. She loaned me her car for a few hours to teach my students. I give props to H. J. A. F. J & J and Mr. AAA from the towing company.

My starter died and I was marooned at my apartment yesterday. I cancelled my teaching day and waited and waited AND waited for the towing company to sort me out. Well they delayed me three hours because they thought I was fine stranded at home... and then someone parked too close to my car that the towing guy couldn't get my car out.

I consoled myself with making rootbeer floats. Stress reduction beverage.. I had 2 glasses.

Today, H. picked me up for BSF class... my car was sandwiched until past lunch time when Mr. AAA was able to sort me out. We got my car to F by 2pm who put my car on priority and J. came out to take me back home so that A. can loan her car and I can go teach J. E. & N.

I'm indulging in my letters... at this point... ANYWAY,

F. fixed my car for pick up by 6pm... so sweet!... I stopped by between students to pay and collect the key. I am now sitting home waiting from J & J to collect me and reunite me with my car so that I may drive it back home...

A. had to leave to go bartend at some rap artist's birthday party in Hollywood to help out another friend who has a catering business for celebrities.

I am still collecting myself... I think I would've been in pieces... PIECES!! today if I hadn't had my friends help smooth out the rough day.... Everyone happily showed up to play my superhero today.

I love my friends.


Monday, November 21, 2005

Laughing at the Nightmare

I had another nightmare last night and I had preplanned how to handle it..

When the terrors began.. I thought, here we go again... I had some dread and went through my pronouncements to ward IT away. I found myself thinking... I'm tired.. I need some rest... go away... I can't be bothered... etcetera.

And then my nightmare took an interesting turn.. IT started to shake me.. Like IT was rousing me to wake up and I recall opening my eyes in my dream and I found myself being shaked up a bit and that something was with me under my canopy which I had closed up... I couldn't see it... I was being shook too fast and I didn't have my specs on.

And so I went through my pronouncements to ward IT away... I had a sense that I was tired and wanted to get some rest but this "nightmare" wanted to disrupt my evening and try to give me a scare.

I finally remembered something I read from C.S. Lewis' "Screwtape Letters" about laughing.... It's the quotes he chose before his first chapter...

"The best way to drive out the devil, if he will not yield to texts of Scripture, is to jeer and flout him, for he cannot bear scorn." Martin Luther

"The devil.. the prowde spirite... cannot endure to be mocked." Thomas More

And so I began to laugh... I was terribly tired and wanted to sleep.. and was able to shoo away my nightmare.

I have no idea why I am having nightmares lately. I guess I'll keep blogging it to analyze the patterns of what's going on "around" the nightmare. Dream dictionaries don't seem to spell it out for me... How to explain it in Freudian terms??... Jungian???? Is it my upbringing.. is it my parent's fault? Is it a spiritual issue?
Did I eat something that gives me nightmares? Am I experiencing a food allergy??

I don't know... I guess somewhere down the road, I'll chose a viewpoint that suits my fancy and purpose.


Sunday, November 20, 2005

Afterthoughts on the Tower of Conformity

My mathematician didn't make it out for a visit today as I hoped. I am slightly disappointed but oh well. I was able to enjoy a nice day without him. My life has a way of happening anyway.

After blogging on building security on towers of conformity, I thought about paralleling it with a topic... to explore my thoughts and see how the tower held up.

Instead of intimidating Nimrod, let's have "loneliness" as the "mighty hunter" that leads the spirit of rebellion.

I was sad to listen to several conversations recently on relationships where people were dating people they KNEW they didn't love and adore... or where people were seeing people where there was an absence of admiration, respect and trust and there was a sense of powerlessness. Luckily I got a balance from friends that are in happier situations as encouraging examples.

To be afraid and openly working through stuff together is distinctively different from hanging on a temporary relationship that "isn't all that bad" and is acceptable because "it will run its due course" and "fade out on its own."

I love you... for now, you'll do. WOW. Or I love you... but not love you love you. I dig you... but you definitely have an expiration date. It seems a bit disrespectful to me... and making for a slow death under the mask of "love" and "relating."

Last week, I had an evening that I wanted to celebrate having some quiet time with myself. I prepared a very nice meal for myself, poured myself a glass of red and sat at the piano with a couple of chocolates while my dinner was cooking. I even lit the candles for myself.

Had I ruthless loneliness ruling my thoughts, I might not be able to enjoy my time alone. I might be compelled to build security by chasing companionship and activity that would become a wash of time passing by... short of satisfaction. And loneliness would perhaps influence my thoughts to make me feel disconnected from God....

I was sad to hear stories of how some pay tribute to loneliness and honor their loneliness with their tributes of towers to build a sense of security, routine, acceptance. A BABE tower of pretense and conformity... Won't that just build more levels of loneliness and pretense?

Ferment loneliness like a bottle of wine, would I pour a spirit of joy when I am with others and with myself?

Is coupling up so glorified that many submit themselves to building false towers that are ghosts of magnificence? How many defenders of false love shall loneliness train in its army?

And so with loneliness follows God throwing a spanner into the works creating confusion.... a gate that may be the possibility of God in separating from the false tower.


Word Up: Building Security in Towers of Conformity

This week's BSF study covered Genesis chapters TEN and ELEVEN.

A ruthless ruler, a militaristic forceful king... his name meant "let us rebel".. the mighty Nimrod... was a descendent of Noah's spiteful son who had attempted to create family dissension in the after-the-flood early days.

Genetically transferred anger? A bitter disposition aged and fermented? Nimrod had might, skill and political acumen and knew how to play on another's fears and weaknesses and he was honored for his ambitious appetite for power. Many gave allegiance to the imposing Nimrod for who can ignore that he had power and influence as well as lead a flourishing civilization... It perhaps would not have been a good idea to go against his agendas.

And so this week we read about the Tower of Babel, the magnificent project that would reach for the sky to bring man shoulder to shoulder with God. Babel meant "gateway to a god." The mighty nation wanted to make a name for themselves and not be scattered over the face of the earth. They weren't building a tower to say hello to God; they were proclaiming that they were above God. This was not a matter of national pride; it was arrogance and domination. And a powerful kingdom with wealth, a military force, great architects, and a king that wanted to be a god couldn't be swayed from such ambition.

I read a little on the history of a "military state" paradigm and found what a clever way to build a powerful society. I was curious how such unity among the people can be created.

If you were a little boy born to a military state, you can kiss your mommy goodbye when you turned seven. You would then move to a barracks where you will be trained to be strong, aggressive, and compliant... basically you would be raised to be a submissive OX trained to listen and follow orders. You would be fed well as a sophisticated beast of burden for imperialistic purposes and you will not be freed to pursue your personal interests until after 30.

The women of a military state would enjoy more freedom. You would need to be fit so that you can produce healthly strong babies for the nation that you called home. If you gave birth to a dodgey baby, it would be taken out of the city and left to die.

The great human enterprise of building the Tower of Babel wasn't only a tribute to national pride but also conformity... The story brought to my mind the fine line of defining unity. What is solidarity? What is conformity? Where is there choice? Where is there freedom of thought?

From a perspective, we see ambition shooting for the heavens with a fanfare of arrogance.. "Come let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the world."

But from a higher perspective God saw a city rise like a dollhouse. The tower was not a mountain, a sunset, a new planet. The tower was ambitious but not awe-inspiring..

It seems that this powerful society was a bit insular by its pride and maybe ruled heavy-handedly.

And so God threw and spanner in the works... saying...

"Come, let US go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other."

Again... "US" intrigues me.. God is not a singular and simple entity.. And so conformity was thwarted... orders could not be issued nor followed and the people dispersed throughout.

Confusion here was a good thing and created a truer gate toward God and thinking than could have been provided by the power and force of man.


Friday, November 18, 2005

PHOTOS: ACT TWO KNL .. Creation and Connection

Hello Friends,

Here are the photos from the second half of our show.. With many thanks to my brother and friends who've forwarded pictures to me. Be sure to check out the first half of the show too... and if any friends have photos that they would love me to include in my blog, please forward them to me... I would love to share them.

Many thanks to my family and friends... my new friends from KNL.. all your support and encouragement create a clearing in me making possible who I am and want to be..

Cheers :)








Kayaman Ng Lahi pays tribute to four Filipino artist icons who, by their vision, creativity and body of work, have defined the field of Philippine dance through their unique yet complementary achievements and successes. These "Alagad ng Sining," translated as workers of the arts, have truly excelled in preserving and presenting the rich and diverse culture of the Philippines. Their contributions serve as a consciousness that inspires us to continue this cultural celebration and journey into self and nation. They have inspired us to learn from the past and present in order to build our future.

Habing Sayawit means togetherness. The different regions, times, religions, and more put into one two-hour show. This shoud be interesting....

Janeil A.

Lucrecia Reyes Urtula / Bayanihan

Pattong / Vinta


Francisca Reyes-Aquino & Jovity "Tita Betty" Sison Friese & Fil - Am Family

Pasikat Na Baso


Rice Festival


Ramon Obusan /

Ramon Obusan Folkloric Group

Sugod Uno

Kadal Taho



Jota Paragua

Bilang pagtangkilik at pasasalamat, sa lahat ng nagbigay inspirasyon, tanglaw na ilaw at karunungan sa aking culturing Pilipino, ito po ay para sa inyo... As my thanksgiving to all who gave me inspiration, vision, and knowledge in my Philippine culture, this concert is for you.

May C.

Born and raised in the United States, KNL helped me to understand more about my Filipino culture. I learned to appreciate who I am and where my parents came from.

Michelle R.

To dance is to create a bridge between soul and body... to express love and passion... respect and beauty....

The meaning of Habing Sayawit symbolizes growth, innovation and evolution.. It is a unique relationship with art and with life. This event and this concept represents art and life coming together as a cycle and a story of soul.

Jed D.

I believe that my culture is an important part of who I am. I joined Kayamanan Ng Lahi to learn more about the Philippine culture and customs. Joining KNL give me pride and fulfillment to be one of the Filipinos preserving our culture.

Sandra M.

This project has taught me to recognize that all aspects of my culture, family, history and myself have always co-existed.

Grace C.

Kayamanan Ng Lahi

Philippine Folk Arts

Celebrating 15 Years of Cultural Legacy

Aratani / Japan America Theatre

Kayamanan Ng Lahi


Founded by Joel Jacinto, Boy Angos, Barbara Ele & Ave Jacinto

Goals: To transform our members through education and presentation

Habing Sayawit is hard work but fun. I learn a lot about my culture through dance and songs. I love my teachers.

R. age 10

Dancing is making a poem with movements rather than words. I am always moved to tears by the beauty and intention of art. You can only be in the moment. To study art, I find that I study being in the moment and through the study of being in the moment, I find myself being in love with my life through all circumstances. Beauty will always shine through in practicing to be connected to passion.

Being present to life, to community... being PRESENT.. is to be one with the force of life... it is during the times that I am not present... when I am floating with my thoughts and insecurities that I experience life as mundane or scary. I experience the power and beauty of life by being involved, by claiming my life from the ticking seconds. I made many mistakes along the way, dancing the wrong steps and playing incorrect notes but I am not committed to my mistakes, I am committed to something bigger than my mistakes...

"Habing Sayawit" - translated as woven dance and song - weaves an array of Philippine dance, song and music into a seamless tapestry of cultural reflection.

If there was anything I was more present to in my involvement with KNL, it was commitment. In getting to know the dancers and becoming friends, I learned that people in the group were having babies, getting married, going through school, commuted long drives and had FULL lives..

It has been in my experience that busy people committed to great things always find the time to make room for anything of heart value for their life. Commitment is to take on the work of being up to something, not getting stuck in one's self-defeating thoughts and not getting slowed down by anything. Commitment is affirming a love of one's life by doing one's best... and all things are possible with love.

Dance is the hidden language of the soul.

Does beauty come from technique or practice... a formula or the abstraction of passion?

My conducting professor always stated that "life is practice"..

Committing to practice whether to music or dance or learning how to live, I've learned that one can become an athlete of God... every moment becomes a blessing... every experience a present.

10 meaningful years of created passion, passionate intentions, intended connections and clarity of cultural traditions mark a chapter of my moving experience discovering the treasures of my people, and more important, the treasure within.


This dance is very special to me, "Ragragsakan." I loved it so much and had the most self-defeating thoughts going through my mind through each rehearsal. I loved singing the chant but struggled with balancing the basket for several months. I did everything in my head to not lose it and cry with self-pity. Listening to loud music after rehearsal and having good talkings to myself, encouraged me...

I am the newest girl in the company of these seasoned dancers. It is a humbling place to be a beginner; a student... as a music teacher in a new realm, I created my friendships with the youngest members whose fun and teachable spirit inspired me as a learner and I was also encouraged by the welcoming spirit of the seasoned dancers that took time aside to coach me, assure me and make me feel a part of the KNL community.

And here I am ... happy and loving the moment being part of something beautiful.

When I practice music, I don't think of making wrong notes, but during my dance practice I found myself worrying over making a mistake. "Ragragsakan" is a dance that celebrates the daily work of the women that live in the mountain regions of the Philippines. After learning the self-defeating game I had inside my head in learning the dance, I was able to be free to enjoy learning it and to perform it as a celebration of work.

We are all possibilities of beautiful expressions, of love, of passion, of community, of friendship... of any great endeavor we can fathom dreaming...

It was a pleasure to celebrate my humanity.... art... creation... culture... and connection...

And make new friends...

This is the fruit of commitment.

KNL... Kayamanan Ng Lahi Folk Arts

Thursday, November 17, 2005

PHOTOS: ACT ONE KNL...The Meaning of Habing Sayawit

Hello Friends,

I want to share with you pictures from the show. It is just too beautiful to keep to myself and the experience of being part of something special was quite a journey that I can only encourage you to pursue making your life an artistic expression.

I've included their eloquent words and the program of dances so that you too may learn about the organization...the special people that are the KNL family...

PS... Does anyone have any pix to share from the show? I would love to include those on this blog :) Especially backstage pix.

Kayamanan is a second family, unyielding friendship, love of self, an ear to listen, heart-break repair, bonding, life changing, intense, always welcoming, give-and-take, uncontrollable laughter, love of a faraway country, beauty forever....

Barbie R.

It is a celebration of our history and our heritage. It is the expression and extension of our pride for our values and tradition. It is the innovation that will bridge the gap between the past, the present, and the future....

Cedric M.

Rondalla Club of Los Angeles

Culture, creation, and connection are the rich threads that wove the majesty of our humanity together. In contributing our own spirit, our lives, and passions to those around us, we can live inspired, learning sensitivity, discipline, endurance, and making life an artist expression. To live life is to celebrate our cultures, inspire, create, and connect...

Jeannette H.

The people and environment that nurtures and cultivates us. A journey of self discovery to reveal one's unique treasures. Interwoven relationsips that bind us together... the ties of family, friendship, and community. A universal language that reaches beyond our common sphere, sharing our expression of life, our definition of beauty...

Melissa A.

Culture is...being who you are. Creation is...designing, telling, and living the stories we are in. Connection is... together, sharing to our people and the world, the stories and songs we want our children's children to always remember.

Trish P.

Habing Sayawit is hard work but fun. I learn a lot about my culture through dance and songs. I love my teachers.

Raquel B. age 10

When I think about this show, I think about the process - a memorable journey; one filled with creative collaborations, personal growth, and, at times, trying commitment. In the end, I'll cherish the opportunity to share the beauty of our Culture, the opportunity to Create, and the opportunity to Connect with the KNL family.

Robert A.






Spirituality and religion are part of being a Filipino. There are many different ways Filipinos pray and express their spirituality; whether it's related to an offering, healing, cleansing. or thanksgiving.

Through movement and actions, the Filipinos reveal the essential beliefs of their faith and affirm the divine presence that dwells deep within and which guides them like the one true light.

Tableau of Light





Sayaw Sa Obando



I've been blessed with an opportunity to learn who I am beneath my brown skin through the acts of music and dance. I will always remember that no matter how diverse the Filipino culture is, we're all part of a creation in which, through connection--no matter what, we will always be a family... Emily M.


Ave Jacinto

SCENE 2 : Makaugnay




The Filipino world-view is one that considers all things to be interconnected with everything else. The raw essence of this idea manifests in the dances that mimic the elements and living things of the heavens, seas and earth.

By instinct and nature, Filipinos seek to connect and become one with all of these elements through imitation and reverence, despite differences.

In the end, we discover that we are but a part of a universal design that resembles the raw essence of improvisational dancing.

Tableau of Essence



Lawin - Lawin





Dance Director / Choreographer BARBARA ELE

I love to learn about my culture, and when I dance on stage, with my costume, I feel like I am a part of something special...

Courtney A.

I like Kayamanan because the dances are fun, and because I learn about my grandfather's culture. My favorite dances are Torayen and the Rice Festival. It's cool hanging out with friends...

Joey S. age 9






Culture echoes the essence of the past along the journey of the present. The evolution of culture defines the path into the future. KNL gave me the opportunity to become a part of its culture and expand my own...

Noel P.

Kapwa signifies fellow human-being and prevails as a root element shaping all human interaction - transcends differences and seen in the Filipino's love of the celebration.

To celebrate with one another is to reciprocate the deeply seated drive to acknowledge the creative living presence in every individual. The following suite of dances translates kapwa through the story-telling of two people from differing backgrounds and social strata.

Together, through expressive social culture, they come to know each other. As a result, their respective families learn to relate and celebrate as one community.


Market Scene


Jota Quirino

Sayaw Sa Cuyo



Sayaw Sa Palaton



The process leading up to this concert has been a long and tiring one... but looking back at all the long practices, I would do it again. It's so nice to reconnect with everyone and be one with each other. Every time I have been a part of a KNL concert, I have always learned so many new things about my culture, my friends, as well as myself.

Michael M.

Different, talented individuals coming together to make a beautiful work of art for others to enjoy and appreciate is what Habing Sayawit means to me. Being part of such an amazing group has broadened my appreciation for being a Filipino.

Stephanie A.

More pictures to come... This is just ACT ONE :)