Sunday, November 13, 2005

Culture, Creation, Connection

Yesterday's dance performance was awesome.

My brother will be sending me the photos later this week. When I saw them today I was in awe at how gorgeous the show looked. My brother said to thank the lighting technician; his work really supported the brilliant costumes we wore... and that the sound engineer did very well bringing out the voices of the dancers through the songs. It was a successful production and my friends were sad that we weren't running the show for at least the whole weekend... They said it was like seeing a Broadway production.

The evening show was pretty much sold out and our final number got a standing ovation. We intergreted street dance with traditional dance... people in the audience got really fired up... The energy was up to the roof.

My non-Filipino friends were impressed and excited to learn of my culture and how diverse the country is. The theme of the concert really shared the spirit of the people; as spiritual thinkers, artists and family and community people.

A few of my dancer friends are thinking of joining me for workshops and maybe dancing with the dance company. A. had studied African dance in Africa, flamenco in Spain and I'm excited of having her with me to learn Filipino dance. She's an encyclopedia of world dance that constantly wants to grow.

I was so happy to perform and be part of such an intricate company of artists. The production was a beautifully woven tapesty of talent, hard work and commitment. I did not drop my basket! haha. I was so worried last month about not being able to balance the basket well while singing and dancing while swaying a big blanket.

I'll have pictures to share as soon as my brother can get a disk to me. Keep a lookout for those in the near future.

The dance company is on break for now. Today was my first off day to sleep in. I didn't get out of bed until 10am... I plan on getting some physical rest and quiet time this week. My body finally had time today to feel how sore and in need of some TLC it is.

Writing will be a change of pace and a lot more peaceful. This week I plan to get myself connected to the Writer's Guild and storyboard my vision for the documentary that I'd like to create a script for... next on the stage.

Despite all the time and hard work it took to be in the dance company, I am glad that I stayed on. I wanted a breakthrough in commitment, physical expression and performance... Dancing to a sold out audience under such artistic direction and intention, inspired by the vision and energy... I am present to the possibility of excellence and mastery through commitment, beauty and grace in expression and performance...

And all I had to do was to show up to life... at the "end of reason."


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