Friday, December 10, 2004

POEM: What's Your Line?

Someday, later on, NOW
When, why not, I DON'T KNOW, WOW

I'm confused, It's awesome, yes, no
Why? Why? It's not fair, Wait.
Let's go.

We need to talk.
Hush, shut up.

Share, That's mine, I have hope. I don't have time.
I'm content. Life sucks.
I just want to be comfortable. Life rocks.

You never listen! Promise me...
I am so sorry, It's your fault. I'm broke.
Are you sure? It's you. It's me.

Please, thank you!
I know, I know, I know,

Pardon, say again.

Someday, later on, NOW
When, why not, I DON'T KNOW, WOW

Copyright ©2004 J. R. Hollyday


  1. Anonymous6:41:00 AM

    Take it from a Virgo... It can be very difficult to find a solution when there is no problem!

    P.S. Never Listen to a Virgo!

  2. Anonymous12:33:00 PM

    Wow!! Deep. I like it.
    Your poetry is almost as beautiful as you..
    You got the looks and the brains..
    Great work I like what I see so far.

  3. Anonymous12:58:00 AM

    It mimics the confusion you find in life, great writing, all over the place but used cleverly to give the feeling of chaos, busy lives and everyday queries. I enjoyed this poem!

  4. I wrote this December 2004 after thinking of people as the mantras that they repeat to themselves and others daily. Some people are “sorry” people, some are “life is not fair” folk, etc. I see that these lines program our ways of relating to one another.
