Thursday, December 16, 2004

POEM: Ride Upon Your Thoughts

You delight
In my conversation
Pouring yourself
Over my words

You give me your admiration
I feel acceptance
A new world

You enjoy reading my whimsy
You warmly challenge my stands
You are quiet in your amusement
We travel
Through intriguing lands

I wish to sail in your stories
And smile at the worlds you create

Your ideas,
Your art,
Your frustrations
Life framed in love and ambition great

What fills me most with aniticipation
Expanding beyond your attention caught
Is the joy I delight
In another day to
Ride upon your thoughts

Copyright ©2004 J. R. Hollyday

To the one who hears me and knows that I am listening.


  1. Anonymous12:30:00 PM

    Enjoyed this very much. Good reading and
    flow. Very deep. Very well written. Never
    saw communication as being so deep. I thought
    I was a good listener. Now I'll be more aware.

  2. Written December 2004. My muse disappears to work on his doctoral program but he continues to keep in touch. I am remarked by the quality of being present to one another in fleeting moments. I don’t experience missing him and I experience being inspired by his authenticity and humanity. I love experiencing him literally and in my thoughts.
