Friday, December 28, 2012

the art of listening

JNET: "Cool groove. But the lyrics sound ........ depressing."

R: "The lyrics? I don't know them."

JNET: "Its about disappointment with love and being bitterly betrayed. How very sad. I couldn't listen to that every day. It would mess with my psyche. Love the groove though."

It was tempting to add the song to my iPod but it was not quite fitting for the negativity slayer listening arsenal. I passed even after several occasions of listening to different covers and arrangements of it. Great song; but not quite what I'd like to feed into my subconscious. Boo.

Being a negativity slayer is a rigorous commitment.

It might be hard to bounce having daily life and the weight of another persons disappointments singing into each day; consciously or even subconsciously.

Imagine beginning each day "grooving" to life-stinks-I-am-devastated-by-love-I-feel-numb-to-life songs. As long as it doesn't sound like a funeral march and you can dance to it...why not? Yet, if your best friend started each day telling you how broken up and angry they were about something, you would hope they changed their tune eventually.

But then again... Do we find ourselves dancing to such tunes?  Songs to which we aren't even listening to the lyrics?

Just a thought on listening. I hope life sounds just right for you. If not, maybe there's a tune that needs to be nixed from your listening list.


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