Thursday, November 18, 2010

Jnetsworld Turns SIX

jnetsworld turns six

Welcome to the party. Jnetsworld is happy and thriving at six years old. What makes for a happy six year old?

Climbing trees, cracking eggs into the bowl, the tooth fairy and the continuation of the fun-a-rama.

Climbing trees - jnetsworld stills grows in blogspot. If you want to read the rougher draft of things, this is where I allow my rough side to exist. My blogspot gets imported onto tumblr and my wordpress polishings get copied to stumbleupon.

Cracking eggs into the bowl - jnetsworld gets adventurous and sometimes podcasts. What to title a show about arts and the conundrum fun of being a human being and negativity slayer? More Than a Headshot. Public speaking practice on an internet radio show pressed me to join Toastmasters International. Where I didn't waste any time and set off to write and perform as many speeches as possible and compete at contests.

The tooth fairy - bonuses from losing baby teeth. I lost some teeth when I got duped by a false friend's project that I will simply refer as Clandestine Wax Cutie. Despite the drama, I appreciated being able to play with my passion for photography which prompted me to initiate hellos to photographer whose work inspired me. I introduced myself as well as was introduced to photographers whom I respect and have been very kind and helpful toward me. Lesson: a "lost" may simply be getting rid of "baby teeth" - allow what is strong to grow into the space - and celebrate the gift under your pillow when you finally wake up.

Continuation of the fun-a-rama - Life is still fun and interesting with many worthy points to write about. I owe much to the good people that help generate my world through their love, their coaching, their encouragements and their many ways of being that challenge and inspire me.

I've stretched beyond being unshy. I've grown my voice and mark its signature. And I feel that I have become more focused as I had forgiven momentary lapses quickly and got on with the creative game of Life.

In celebrating another birthday, here are a few of my favorite reviews and comments.


PAULFRANK: "I think I am in love."

DESTINYSFATE: "Different in each & every way possible yet so much in which she shares....I'm in awe of how I can honestly concur & relate to the 100th degree. Unique virtual boutique of expressions and suggestions"

JAMES: "Jnet, I love the way you write…such beauty."

LITBITOFSONSHINE: "I loved her creative writing on her stumbleupon and her wordpress. She rocks and rolls and has such a open and sharing and caring understanding soul; one I even marked to read again as I will also visit her pages. Its nice to learn about families from her point of view as well as so many other mind expanding things - just wowzers."

DAVE: "I loved your “loving like an athlete.” Keep up your good writing…."

ALAN: "You inspired me to change my blogs look as well, alas, my change was not as stunningly successful as yours. This is to be expected though, since your talent shines through everything you do here. My compliments!"

DESTINY: "Love your world and thanks to you, I can now define myself in all the diversity and unique(ness) that I possess as a person…as a woman. Just saying Hello and wanted to share that..nothing more. I enjoy the substance of your blogs."

RICHARD: "My beautiful and talented friend. Again, I must tell you how well you write, but of much more importance than that, how very proud I am to “know” someone like you. You have such fine judgment, your values are impeccable and you seem dedicated to your art. As you know, choosing a life of creativity is not without its pitfalls. However, you do not need my advice and will find your way. You know I wish you well, Richard."


Six years old! Amazing.

And it really touches me that some of my readers have been part of this world of mine for several years and that we can call one another friend. In writing I have found kin spirits and fellow rugged angels. I know the world is a good place and that there are many others who also enjoy a beautiful life of good friends and family where a new face can find a welcome space where people are celebrating the blessing of living and thriving despite any circumstance.

The world is full of strong, loving, powerful and kind people. Thank you for being part of the party in turning six.


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