Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Sky Suns Me

Would the sky ask the flower to grow yellow instead of pink? Would the sky fault a flower's beauty as a bud? Would a flower find fault in the sky if it had too many clouds or too little?

How patient the sky and flowers are with each another.

If only people can be as complementary to one another.

I enjoy the certainty of love from my friends and my family... where conflicts are weathered as temporary changes of temperature that never destroy gardens. Love is patient. Love is kind. Love is as sure as the sun returning after a dance with the clouds.

"The sky suns me." thinks the flower as it breaks through the earth towards the warmth.

"The sky suns me." thinks the flower as it is a seed and doesn't know what it is.

"The sky suns me." thinks the flower while it takes the rain.

Even though it may rain, even though a cold day may stretch a spell, I'd like to feel the way a flower feels about the sky with certainly and affection... the sky suns me. And the gray sky will turn bright again. The flower lets the sky be the sky and the flower gets to enjoy being a flower; growing to bloom season after season.

Is there compromise in being here? Is there any lack of freedom here? Does resentment grow in gardens? Does the sun dream of fencing in the flowers?

Of many people, I think of love like the flower.... the certainty that the sky suns me.


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