I got caught up in a maelstrom of work this week with a couple of hiccups with some folks and found myself wishing to have a good cry yesterday; but I didn't have time. I had work to do, work that I love and care about and didn't have space for self-pity.
But I found myself in spaces where I met with conversations where people had time to indulge self-pity, anger and frustration. And I saw from my perspective the hamster wheel they were exercising their thoughts in to keep the world that they knew so well in tip top shape. And I became present to some habits I do to unjade myself.
I call my brother, Wookie, for a reason. He loves to argue and blare on and create a ruckus. He used to bug me beyond end and I would keep my visits with him brief because I don't share his love and style for debate. Many times I left in tears.
He would be like a brush fire. If he got lit up over something, his mood would spread through out the family. And we pondered over what do with him... We loved him and just resigned to 'that's just the way he is' thinking and just brace up for the next hurricane.
That doesn't quite work towards being connected. It only worked towards tolerating and accepting... and creating a deep meaningful relationship was a bit tricky. So, a couple years ago I decided to start calling him Wookie whenever he started to roar. And he was amused after I told him that he was just a big fluffy wookie with a big roar that didn't mean any harm. Everyone calls him Wookie now and he's enjoying his role as fluffy guy that now roars very rarely.. We're great friends now and we can love each other without stepping on each other.
This came about through the coaching of a friend who taught me that my listening of someone created them. Because I used to listen to my brother as a pain in the ass.. that is exactly what he was.... NO LONGER :)
Many tell me that the "industry" is awful, back-stabbing, vindictive where IF slavery was legal... Hollywood would be the biggest lobbyist. Yes, there are funky people here and living in an image obsessed town makes for some freaky social dynamics and neurosis. Some people experience feels like slavery and prostitution and it kills the spirit of creativity.
But in adjusting my listening in creating the people that surround my work, I end up meeting a lot of remarkable people who want to do great things and have a lot of love for people and the world. I don't have room or vision to have slave drivers and pimps in my life and work.
Maybe I'm naive. But I think most people want to do good and appear good before showing themselves as ugly and a putz... and those that have a knack to being absolute messes with their lives and the lives around them reveal only more about themselves.
In requesting the best that my students can be towards their work and towards relating to me, I get it... I'm not creating this out of nothing. I'm creating this from the possibility of greatness that everyone has and wants to play with. The meaning of the word 'educate' is to bring out innate capability.
And perhaps to unjade my mind and my world, it is my hope to educate everyone's greatness out from those who cross my path.
Who's playing the same game with their life?