Monday, January 31, 2005

POEM: The Signature of My Voice

Like recognizing Miles in a distance
Or my mother's voice in a crowd
I wonder if you have the sense of me
Of who I am out loud

When you listen do you notice nuances
That mark a familiar smile
Like knowing a favorite composer
By the way their notes beguile

On a random page
I've made my stage

Can you find me like a dear friend
Breathe with me like a lover
Distinguishing the signature of my voice
From the countless others

Copyright ©2005 J. R. Hollyday

Sunday, January 30, 2005

POEM: Promises

Pinky swear
Children preaching
Promises to be fair
A serious childhood game
Of how to care

Promise me
An assurance for integrity
A phrase sometimes taken lightly and
Thrown back to sea

Copyright ©2004 J. R. Hollyday

Friday, January 28, 2005

POEM: Word Purnographie

I can just scream
Staring at words displayed
Like pornography

A cheapened presentation to glorify a cliche
Perfumed like a tart on a
Friday night ritual
A proud plastic bouquet

Billboards of black thoughts
The writhing and woeing of have nots

The sage's quill
Under the power of the cast-offs
Swilling cheap wine, cutting lines or eating half pills
They play masters of words while slaves of lost wills

Neon lights over domestic fights
Rising to power mediocre nights

The words scream from their trite page prison
Malnourished from lack of grammatical nutrition
Displaying anemic thinking and careless creating
The ghosts of unloved words, souless apparition

Reduced to gaudy comic strip
A blase predictable speech
Tabloid emotion without Muse's devotion
Preaching dismay and inspiration unteach

I can just scream
Staring at words displayed
Like pornography

A cheapened presentation to glorify a cliche
Perfumed like a tart on a
Friday night ritual
A proud plastic bouquet

Copyright ©2005 J. R. Hollyday

POEM: Blindspot

If there was really any thinking going on....

Would only fear edge into blindspots?
And promises towed and torn into two
While angry statements tailgating your lane
Sideswipes wisdom for the view

If there was really any thinking going on....

Would Anger be in charge of the questions?
Charging Love into sad and narrow jails
Twarting practice for self-expressions
Temperance not weighed in the scales.

If there was really any thinking going on...

Witnesses would celebrate a reason to stand
Creating contracts and passionate promises
Integrity paving safe roads to future lands
Detouring reckless doubting thomases

Where would thoughts drive

It's easy to stare at the debris on the road
And your calls to get help are to watch
Rubbernecking life's daily blindspot betrayings
With nonthinking undoing, hop scotch

Copyright ©2005 J. R. Hollyday

POEM: If You Know How To Love The Wind

If you know how to love the wind
Then you'll know how I love you

A walk through a conversation
Where your presence breezes a dance between sun ray
Skipping between trees of stories and thoughts
Memorizing everything you say

If you know how to love the wind
Then you'll know how I love you

A storm in the middle of summer
Interrupting bird songs with a voice of demand
Gusts of passion and frustration
I'm in awe by your grandiose stand

If you know how to love the wind
Then you'll know how I love you

A nervous flurry breaking composure
Sometimes silly and humming a tune
Uplifting leaves of dry and shy seasons
Charming me for a mid-afternoon

If you know how to love the wind
Then you'll know how I love you

A pause and a thought
The stillness of wind's brief reflection
I sigh and I dream
In the calmness of your affection

Through seasons and many faces
There's only one way I see Love through
If you know how to love the wind
Then you'll know how I love you

Copyright ©2004 J. R. Hollyday

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

POEM: Confession Concealed (acrostic)

Musing rhymes
Realizing sweet affections
Engaging soul and mind

Secrets encoded
Abstracted word painting
Bringing an enamoured poet
Unapologetic entertaining
Need this poet reveal
Confessions concealed?
Unspoken to muse
Obscuring Love's fuse?
Gentle friend, light the flame
Let me stand, enchanted, to proclaim
Unrestrained my dear muse's name

Copyright ©2005 J. R. Hollyday

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

POEM (limerick style) : Pearl on Trial

Convicted before you we have a pretty girl
Who in our sea of humanity has been a naughty pearl
She's catches men's eyes with heartless cold skill
And empties the poor creatures on the beach to chill
Presenting Exhibit A; Her Net, I unfurl

She has a gaze that captures
With a history of heart raptures
Nothing short of criminal to speak of
She is an enemy of sweet love
Denying Affection's overtures

Exhibit B; She torments with a smile
The number of casualties is quite vile
She is a danger to society
A cause of angst and anxiety
Her indictment will be truly worthwhile

Her file is a misery to see!
Miss, have you any last words to plea?
The jury turned now to face the young lass
And surprised them all for the absence of sass
"I simply invited him over for tea."

Out to sea, they disappear!
"If it was love, they'd reappear."
Broken hearts is your crime
"No, broken egos! Not worth a dime.
To them I'm merely pretty, never dear."

"I buy myself flowers.
I spend my days alone for hours.
A walk by the sea?
An hour for tea?
And I have contemptible powers?"

The jury was quite vexed
The girl was eloquent and complex
Was she a siren on the loose?
Or an innocent on the noose?
A witness spoke next

"I felt entitled because she was nice."
Another stood, "I wanted her without a price."
"She looked at me. I thought it was enough."
"I scared her off. I was a bit rough."
With all those words, the jury didn't think twice.

The girl was set free
Innocent to find a love that reappeared.
The broken egos made no voice
Creating no choice
And disappeared.

Copyright ©2005 J. R. Hollyday

Monday, January 24, 2005

POEM: Meow

Me Ow
From a piano room, a sigh of silence
That breaks through a loaded emptiness
Exposing a lingering cadence

Me Ow
From a garden, the sun watches and gazes
Into a shy corner to recite sonnets
And promises a longer visit for tomorrow's phrases
A faithful lover and poet

Me Ow
From a voiceless bedchamber
Whose candles debate the cold room
Fighting with flames in labor
Awaiting the warm season to resume
Wrestling with patience

Me Ow
From a contemplative kitchen table
Where secrets are kept among tealights and tea cups
And conversations are halted by the meows of this fable
Me owing over a moment
Suspending thought on its part
Me owing is not from a kitty

Me owing is how goes my heart

Copyright ©2005 J. R. Hollyday

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Dancing Again

Dance rehearsal was demanding. It was my first day dancing since so many years. I got very dizzy going across the room doing pirouettes.

My body feels the workout and I am excited. I am going to be in such stellar shape... I

I had cut out a dancer and pasted it on my October calender earlier this week. It just happens that Kayamanan will be having a performance slated during October coinciding with my goals. My goal is to go for it. Here's their website to learn about them:

I have a lot of songs to learn to sing aside from the dances but I am excited and having a solid goal and the plus of getting very physically fit for performance is very motivating. I also have a practice partner, D! so yay

Speaking of goals... K. called recently as well and says it's been over 11 days since he danced with tobacco and he feels free, happy, healthier and dynamic. so double yay yay to K!

On the road to reach goals. What will life look like when dreams after dreams come true?

To a beautiful life!

Friday, January 21, 2005

POEM (sonnet) : Gentle Woman

Gentle woman alone at the lead aisle
Where from comes your grace and dignified strength?
Radiant in beauty passing a smile
Quiet nobility within arm's length

What is her story, this woman who cares
To approach her lord's house alone and sings
Her passions and prayers all that she dares
To the altar her solitude she brings

Another Sunday, and new battles won
No self-pity and joy her private prize
She humors few tears to be her lord's swan
And trusts, for each day she meets her Love's eyes

Gentle woman, a quiet soul of grace
A jewel in your master's gathering place

Copyright ©2005 J. R. Hollyday

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

POEM: Second Guess Tomorrow

A chant of "Is this good enough?"
Said daily; morning, noon, and night
And so the mind rants
Which way to go? How will I know?

A prayer for a path to walk
Indecision and apathy are familiar friends
An eternity wishing with Uncertainty
And so the mind talks
Which way to go? How will I know?

Meditations meandering to and fro madness
Anxious anticipation of gladness
Which way to go? How will I know?

On the road
To second guess

Copyright ©2005 J. R. Hollyday

Monday, January 17, 2005

POEM: My Why to Be Unshy

Frozen words
Stuck in my throat
Alone in my castle
Surrounded by a moat

Painfully shy
Pretending to be terribly busy
Thoughts of saying hello
Makes me anxious and dizzy

In my solitude
I languish over ambivalent emotion
I have such pride over self-restraint
I am an island surrounded by an ocean

Uncommon, Unique
Interesting, Intriging
I'm a puzzle, And you're a riddle!
Perhaps a combination for meaning?

Til the answers of life be revealed
Through time and passing tide
When fears are smoothed down
Diminishing a need to pretend and to hide

I'll see to it you know my castle
My thoughts, my island, my voice
My deepest ocean, my soul
Because you're my why to be unshy

My choice

Copyright ©2005 J. R. Hollyday

Sunday, January 9, 2005

Messages In The Water

Okay Friends,

I'm been telling everyone to see "What the Bleep." Check out the website and go see it.

I'll see it again.. Let's get another group of friends and talk Quantum Physics, What is Reality and What do We Really Know???

The following photos are of Dr. Emoto's work. Google this scientist.
I cannot do justice in explaining his work other than showing you the pictures. Read the science behind the photos and you'll be amazed as well.

His research concludes that energy and vibrations have a physical affect on water molecules. They crystallize into personalities. I've seen websites with pictures of spring water from around the world... Gorgeous patterns. And knowing how snowflakes have intricate and pretty patterns... how can one deny the existence of God or a loving conscious intelligence that surrounds all of life....

Love and Gratitude Posted by Hello

"What the Bleep Do We Know" posed a question in one of it's scenes. If we are composed of water and thoughts make physical expressions, what are our thoughts doing to us???? This is what love and gratitude does to us from a vantage point that we don't see everyday but perhaps should consider...

You Make Me Sick Posted by Hello

Ugly thoughts actually creates or rather disables water to create crystals and become hexagonal water... Absence of structure in thought or maybe erratic emotions is being expressed inside of us...literally this way.

I first heard about hexagonal water a few years ago. The water filter that I use at home and sell in my business creates hexagonal water. It filters to .1 microns and then the coral, clay and magnets affect it to create hexagonal water. Cool. I never knew the water I was using looked so pretty.

Heavy Metal music Posted by Hello

Heavy metal... what a CONTRAST from Bach...interesting...

crystal bach Posted by Hello

Here's Bach. I've seen also what Mozart music does to music. There's many photos on the internet...

Before prayer: contaminated Fujiwara Dam water Posted by Hello

Wow..this isn't yucky thoughts. This is yucky, dirty, contaminated water.

After prayer blessing water... Posted by Hello

And this is water from the same dirty source above AFTER being blessed for an hour. Perhaps prayer is a something to consider for ourselves more seriously and for our friends and loved ones...

My friends and I have a phrase we say when we start feeling down and sorry for ourselves.. We encourage each other by saying..."think like a snowflake!!! think yourself into a snowflake!!!"

Your life just may depend on it.

Saturday, January 8, 2005


It is raining.

I am enjoying the best... the best rootbeer float. All by myself. It is raining.

I have all my candles lit up and my room is my perfect little thinking space. It would be nice to see someone thinking here too. Reading a book, sitting with their self, being... Being a world of their own. It is raining. Again.

I am dancing in my head. I listen to music from around the world. I travel to many strange places and here's my postcard. Here I am. It is raining. Again.

I am laughing at the magic of God visiting my world. The radio begins to play a song in 6/8...rock style meets india 4/4 counterpoint melody, harmonic minor and the lyrics sing...

"It is raining. Again." (9 Rains from Mexico City...Steven Brown vocals.. a band from Mexico City)

I guess it was time to end my tangent and have another sip of my rootbeer float... and be taken into a new world .. this time with Jobim.

Funny how life presents such moments of magic and synchronicity. I was daydreaming and writing how it was raining again and creating something around that phrase and then my radio sings my only repeating refrain to me as the main line of their chorus. Weird but perfect... And I get to enjoy thinking about the Great Intelligence and Intention that really rules my world.

Monday, January 3, 2005

POEM (free verse) : DISTRACTED


Stretched and protracted across an expanse
Of uncollected and disconnected thoughts
A meadow of dull color awaiting a brush with love


A wind blows still and the rain pours
A dry sound exposing the nakedness of a barren mind
Life pulses silently under a mantle of wilderness thought


A desert bloom promise
A cycle of life from an unlikely corner
A glimpse of a new season beginning

Copyright ©2005 J. R. Hollyday