Monday, January 24, 2005

POEM: Meow

Me Ow
From a piano room, a sigh of silence
That breaks through a loaded emptiness
Exposing a lingering cadence

Me Ow
From a garden, the sun watches and gazes
Into a shy corner to recite sonnets
And promises a longer visit for tomorrow's phrases
A faithful lover and poet

Me Ow
From a voiceless bedchamber
Whose candles debate the cold room
Fighting with flames in labor
Awaiting the warm season to resume
Wrestling with patience

Me Ow
From a contemplative kitchen table
Where secrets are kept among tealights and tea cups
And conversations are halted by the meows of this fable
Me owing over a moment
Suspending thought on its part
Me owing is not from a kitty

Me owing is how goes my heart

Copyright ©2005 J. R. Hollyday


  1. If walls could speak...

    They witness so many worlds.

    What would your walls say about your most private moments?

  2. Anonymous3:10:00 PM

    Hi Jnet, this piece has a nice fresh take on it. I like the uniqueness with the Me Ow verses. I also found quite interesting how you build you stanzas in number of verses. Last verse was a neat twist. This is good work

  3. Anonymous3:12:00 PM

    There are so many amazing images here, not sure where to start. "gazes into a shy corner to recite sonnets", the kitchen table "where secrets are kept among tealights and tea cups"... just a couple of the great lines here. I absolutely loved this piece. Keep it up.
    J Wukotich

  4. Anonymous11:19:00 AM

    A very interesting and complex poem. A description of objects, details of places that have this invisible life revealed through the eyes of the poet, who is well aware of the continuum between her own mind and the exterior world, with some endlessly open question lingering there even as awareness is risen. At least that's how I read it

  5. Anonymous5:18:00 PM

    jnetsword you are an immense tease! This is a unique poem in it's execution...moves as gracfully as the implied feline.

  6. Anonymous5:22:00 PM

    I really enjoy your work, the more I read of it. You lead the reader one way, then spin them the other way at the end. I love it
