Friday, January 28, 2005

POEM: Blindspot

If there was really any thinking going on....

Would only fear edge into blindspots?
And promises towed and torn into two
While angry statements tailgating your lane
Sideswipes wisdom for the view

If there was really any thinking going on....

Would Anger be in charge of the questions?
Charging Love into sad and narrow jails
Twarting practice for self-expressions
Temperance not weighed in the scales.

If there was really any thinking going on...

Witnesses would celebrate a reason to stand
Creating contracts and passionate promises
Integrity paving safe roads to future lands
Detouring reckless doubting thomases

Where would thoughts drive

It's easy to stare at the debris on the road
And your calls to get help are to watch
Rubbernecking life's daily blindspot betrayings
With nonthinking undoing, hop scotch

Copyright ©2005 J. R. Hollyday


  1. Anonymous12:13:00 AM

    An excellent and well written poem,I enjoyed reading some of your other poems as well Thanks for sharing your poetry..This is truly excellent work

  2. Anonymous12:15:00 AM

    Wow! I have not read any of your work until just now. I like your unique voice and style. I liked the metaphors associated with the various aspects of driving in traffic. You have given some time and thought into this piece. Well done! Jere
