Sunday, May 20, 2007

Stravinsky, Zoopsia, and Hula Hoops

Sasha is now Dr. K.

Accompanied by H during his doctoral recital at USC, they played Stravinsky's Pulcinella. Stravinsky's first version which is in five movements. It was personally handed to S's music tutor and is rarely played over.

The evening's programme included a sonata composed by John Corigliano for piano and violin, a sonatina composed by Ellis B. Kohs and Dr. K's doctoral recital finished with Gershwin.

It was nice to enjoy a mid-week escape into music. I lost time or perhaps time lost me. A nonstop pace with out of town friends landed me a stopover at USC to attend to a dear friend's recital. As much as I love S's violin playing, I was hypnotized by H's piano playing. Even her own page turner got lost watching her that H had to turn the page herself at a couple of points. I want my hands to dance on the keys like hers.

Sadly, I had to leave the reception early to welcome my cousin and have dinner after her arrival from Seattle and begin phase two of a crazy week... entertaining new guests at my place. The party continues...

tim hawkinson

After having my ears bathed in music at Dr. K's recital, Friday, I balanced myself out with a trip to the Getty with my cousin and her friend to check out Zoopsia which translates into "visual hallucination of animals" an exhbit by Tim Hawkinson... strange and surreal. If you look very closely at this octopus, you'll see it's "suckers" to be the lips of the artist. Mmmmwuah!!!

My favorite work was his "Uberorgan" a massive construction of balloons and horns... an experience that made me laugh.

Saturday evening was my big birthday celebration... (I already had two smaller parties) and my wish for a hula hoop made for a festive evening. G bought me three! Hula hoops, margaritas and some dance music with close friends made for a perfect evening.

What a week... Stravinsky, Zoopsia, and Hula Hoops



  1. Anonymous1:56:00 PM

    Marshall McLuhan...very interesting Jnet. Intriguing in fact considering I jsut got a review mentioning him (never heard of him before) and then for some reason i checked your blog for the latest in your world and came across

  2. Anonymous11:50:00 AM


    It was a great party with good people (translation: energetic, but calm and controlled).

    You looked hot!!! Tell your brothers that your eyelashes were a hit!!!

    I think we had all the right people there.

