Wednesday, July 29, 2015

tsw: day 57 watching the clock


I've run out of benadrly.  I've run out of bananas.  And I'm hoping tomorrow will be a good day for me to run errands.  Today, I woke up to dry, blotchy red skin that was having a paper cut party.  It's a weird and miserable experience that calmed down after a shower and a few ice packs.

I'm doing the NO moisturizer regime.  After I shower, I put nothing on to 'seal the moisture'.  No emollients, lotions, etcetera after I pat myself dry.  After reading several TSW blogs, I noticed there was great debate over whether to moisturize or not.  Moisturizers are seen as crutches that interfere with healing skin learning to be strong.  Many believe that suffering a short period of discomfort will open to a smoother roller coaster ride.  Skin will still be temperamental but less angry.

After last weekend's struggle to be comfortable enough to sleep an hour soundly, I'm keen to not have a repeater.  Pain is stupefying.  Sometimes, I feel like I dare not move.  Today, I wondered why I couldn't cry.  I must be too tired to bother or perhaps a part of me thinks that pain feels even worse if you cry.

You would think that reaching for an ibuprofen and melatonin would be second nature by now.  No, and I don't want reaching for medicine to feel normal.

It's 4am.  It's day 57 of TSW.  My sleep schedule is weirding out.  I'm looking forward to beginning a new day.  I'm trying out a new supplement whose reviews were impressive.  Tomorrow will be a new day to figure out and hack my wellness.  Good morning and goodnight.


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