Sunday, June 14, 2015

tsw: is my head on straight?

G: "ooooh wow. did you get a facial treament?"

I went to a Dodger game the other night. My friend's greeting gave me some perspective dealing with my funky looking skin. They were excited to see me and thought I went out and treated myself to some beauty time at the spa. What?!?!?!

I am walking and talking like a normal person. And people say hello and hug me like a normal person. But I feel far from normal. My face is currently dry dry dry. Moisturizers hurt to apply. The only thing I'm using is zinc oxide which is popular for sunburn and rash and does not sting. I hold an ice pack to my face any bit of time I can get away with it.

Smiling and eating takes effort. I can smile with my eyes; claim that my spirit will not be trumped by my outer flaking and somewhat swollen layer.

As for food, it is after 5pm and I've not had a bite.  I think the corners of my mouth will crack should I repeatedly open it.  I'm saving my patience to eat for my evening meal.  Anyway, I've been meaning to drop a few pounds.

I have been reading several blogs of fellow skin warriors and it's encouraging to know that I'm not alone.  I am, however, doing something different that I've not read in any of the blogs or forums, utilizing neurological stress reduction therapy.

I guess it is a bit star trekkie.

It's helping and perhaps makes for a less miserable withdrawal from topical steroids.

I'm "molting" and my friends thought I'm recovering from a facial treament.  I guess that's cool.  Lesson learned this week - get my head straight on. I'm still huggable and it mostly only my face that hurts.


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